Top 10 days The Hindu Vocabulary For all Competitive Exams.(20 dec to 31 dec. 2019)
🕳️🕳️⛘🔰Friday,20 December2019🔰🕳️🕳️⛘
●The Hindu Vocabulary For All Competitive Exams.
1. ASSAULTS (VERB): (हमलााः करना)make a physical attack on.
Synonyms: whip, strike, batter
Antonyms: retreat, ebb
Example Sentence:
He pleaded guilty to assaulting a police officer.
2. UNRAVEL (VERB): (सुलझाना)
investigate and solve or explain
Synonyms: untie, unjumble
Antonyms: tangle, intertwine
Example Sentence:
They were attempting to unravel the cause of death.
3. DISMANTLE (VERB):(निराकरण,तोड़-फोड़) take (a machine or structure) to pieces.
Synonyms: breakup, flatten
Antonyms: assemble, build
Example Sentence:
The car mechanic dismantled the engine to repair it
4. PARAPHRASE (VERB): (संक्षिप्त
व्याख्या, विवरण) express the
meaning of (something written or spoken) using different words
Synonyms: reword, rephrase
Antonyms: transcript, echo
Example Sentence:
This is evidently a paraphrase of popular story fairytale.
5. IMPEACHMENT(NOUN):(दोषारोपण) a charge of treason
Synonyms: reprimand, charge,
Antonyms: absolve, commend,
Example Sentence:
The king cynically abandoned him,encouraging his impeachment"
6. EMBITTER (VERB): (कड़वा बोलना)
make (someone) feel anger
Synonyms: frustrate, vex,
Antonyms: lessen, lighten
Example Sentence:
"He died an embittered man"
7. DETENTION (NOUN): (नज़रबंदी)
the state of being detained in
official custody.
Synonyms: incarceration, durance
Antonyms: relinquishment,
Example Sentence:
"The fifteen people arrested were still in police detention"
8. HOLOCAUST (NOUN): (प्रलय)
destruction, devastation
Synonyms: annihilation, massacre
Antonyms: building, creation
Example Sentence:
The forest fire was a holocaust
that destroyed thousands of trees.
(परिवर्तनशील) convert, modify
Synonyms: modify, anomaly
Antonyms: remain, stay
Example Sentence:
Simple organisms like bacteria
mutate rapidly.
10. GENOCIDE (NOUN): (नरसंहार)
the deliberate killing of a large
group of people
Synonyms: carnage, holocaust
Antonyms: building, construction
Example Sentence:
This is a campaign of genocide.
🕳️🕳️⛘🔰Saturday,21 December2019🔰🕳️🕳️⛘
●The Hindu Vocabulary For All Competitive Exams.
1. COCKY (ADJECTIVE):(अहंकारी)
overly self-confident or self-assertive
Synonyms: arrogant, cocksure
Antonyms: modest, diffident
Example Sentence:
Do not get too cocky, Reema.
(टालमटोल) delay or postpone action
Synonyms: temporize, vacillate
Antonyms: expedite, further
Example Sentence:
Winners don't make excuses and they never procrastinate.
3. STATURE (NOUN): (ऊंचाई,कद)
importance or reputation gained by ability or achievement.
Synonyms: reputation, prominence
Antonyms: impotence, inability
Example Sentence:
This is a short stature man.
4. CABAL (NOUN): (साजिश) a secret political clique or faction.
Synonyms: clique, group, gang
Antonyms: empire, synod
Example Sentence:
She had been chosen by a cabal of fellow senators.
5. ITCH (NOUN): (बेचैनी) an
uncomfortable sensation on the skin that causes a desire to scratch.
Synonyms: tingling, prickling
Antonyms: calm, disgust
Example Sentence:
Her eyes began to burn and itch because of her allergies.
6. SPURN (VERB): (तिरस्कार करना)
reject with disdain or contempt.
Synonyms: refuse, disown, snub
Antonyms: adore, honour, venerate
Example Sentence:
She spurned all offers of help.
7. SKIRMISHES (NOUN): (झड़प) an episode of irregular or unpremeditated fighting,
Synonyms: battle, clash
Antonyms: calm, harmony, agreement
Example Sentence:
Skirmishes broke out between rebel groups.
(भावनाओं) aggressive or warlike
Synonyms: hostile, truculent
Antonyms: friendly, peaceable
Example Sentence:
Belligerent noises are now coming out of the United Nation.
9. COERCION (NOUN): (दबाव)
practice of persuading someone to do
something by using force or threats.
Synonyms: compulsion, insistence, demand
Antonyms: agreement, approval
Example Sentence:
He submitted the money under coercion.
:expect or predict.
Synonyms: foresee, prophesy
Antonyms: doubt, surprised
Example Sentence:
We did not anticipate having to pay for your ticket.
🕳️🕳️⛘🔰Sunday,22 December2019🔰🕳️🕳️⛘
●The Hindu Vocabulary For All Competitive Exams.
1. PERSECUTION (NOUN): (उत्पीडन) hostility and ill-treatment,
Synonyms: oppression, victimization
Antonyms: care, safeguard
Example Sentence:
Her family fled religious persecution.
2. INTRINSIC (ADJECTIVE): (स्वाभाविक) belonging naturally; essential.
Synonyms: inherent, innate
Antonyms: extrinsic, exterior
Example Sentence:
Access to the arts is intrinsic to a high quality of life.
3.INCOMMENSURATE (ADJECTIVE): (अतुल्य)out of keeping or proportion with.
Synonyms: inordinate, lacking
Antonyms: consistent, pro rata
Example Sentence:
Man's influence on the earth's surface seems incommensurate with his scale.
4. ARDUOUS (ADJECTIVE): (कठिन) involving or requiring strenuous effort; difficult and tiring.
Synonyms: onerous, uphill
Antonyms: cushy, plain
Example Sentence:
"This is an arduous journey"
5.COMMENCE (VERB): (शुरू करना) begin
Synonyms: initiate, embark
Antonyms: conclude, terminate
Example Sentence:
His design team commenced work
6. CONTEMPORARY (ADJECTIVE): (समकालीन) living or occurring at the same time.
Synonyms: coetaneous, coeval
Example Sentence:
The tension and complexities of our contemporary society.
7. DEVIATION (NOUN): (विचलन) the action of departing from an established course or accepted standard.
Example Sentence:
There must be no deviation from the procedure.
8. DEPOSE (VERB): (निकाल देना) remove from office suddenly and forcefully
Synonyms: overthrow, topple
Antonyms: install, crown
Example Sentence:
He had been deposed by a military coup.
9.EXPEDITE (VERB): (शीघ्र) make (an action or process) happen sooner or be accomplished more quickly.
Synonyms: accelerate, boost
Antonyms: hinder, impede
Example Sentence:
He promised to expedite economic reforms.
10. MESSIANIC (ADJECTIVE)(जोश से भरा हुआ): fervent or passionate.
Synonyms: spirited, zealous
Antonyms: indifferent,apathetic
Example Sentence:
He talks about his work with a messianic zeal.
🕳️🕳️⛘🔰Monday,23 December 2019🔰🕳️🕳️⛘
●The Hindu Vocabulary For All Competitive Exams.
1. STALEMATE (NOUN): (गतिरोध)
position counting as a draw, in
which a player is not in check but
cannot move except into check.
Synonyms: standstill, impasse
Antonyms: progress, headway
Example Sentence:
Last time I played him it ended up in
2.DRAG (VERB): (बाधा) pull
(someone or something) along
forcefully, roughly, or with difficulty.
Synonyms: trammel, hindrance
Antonyms: impetus, boost
Example Sentence:
"We dragged the boat up the beach."
3.WILL(NOUN): (इच्छाशति) expres
sing desire, consent, or willingness.
Synonyms:determination, volition
Antonyms:hesitation, reluctance
Example Sentence:
"Will you have a cognac?"
showing practical knowledge
Synonyms: clever, astute
Antonyms: stupid, dense
Example Sentence:
"Bobby is a savvy veteran who
knows all the tricks."
5.PRESS(VERB): (विवश करना) move
or cause to move into a positionof contact with something by exerting continuous physical force.
Synonyms: pressurize, compel
Antonyms: discourage, deter
Example Sentence:
"He pressed his face to the glass."
6. TAILOR (VERB): (अनुकूल
बनाना) make or adapt for a
particular purpose or person.
Synonyms: adapt, customise
Antonyms: resist, reject
Example Sentence:
"Arrangements can be tailored
to meet individual requirements."
7. NUISANCE (NOUN): (बाधा) a
person or thing causing
inconvenience or annoyance.
Synonyms: trouble, pest
Antonyms: help, succor
Example Sentence:
The cats next door are a real
8. CONGESTION (NOUN): (भीड़,
जमाव) the state of being congested.
Synonyms: crowding, clogging
Antonyms: opening, clear
Example Sentence:
"The new bridge should ease
congestion in the area."
(बेशुमार) countless
Antonyms: limited, finite
Example Sentence:
"He gazed at the myriad lights of the
10. LOCKDOWN (NOUN) (रोक):
he confining of prisoners to their
cells, typically in order to regain
control during a riot.
Synonyms: limitation, restraint
Antonyms: freedom, liberty
Example Sentence:
"The lockdown has been in effect
since October 1983."
🕳️🕳️⛘🔰 Tuesday,24 December 2019🔰🕳️🕳️⛘
●The Hindu Vocabulary For All Competitive Exams.
1. CONTRAVENE (VERB): (उल्लंघन करना) conflict with (a right, principle, etc.), especially to its detriment.
Synonyms: break, breach
Antonyms: follow, uphold
Example Sentence:
The Privy Council held that the prosecution contravened the rights of the individual.
2.IMPERIL (VERB): (खतरे में डालना)put at risk of being harmed, injured, or destroyed.
Synonyms: endanger, risk
Antonyms: save, guard
Example Sentence:
They advised against tax increases for fear of imperilling the recovery.
3.LIBERTY (NOUN): (स्वतंत्रता) the power or scope to act as one pleases.
Synonyms: independence, freedom
Antonyms: dependence, restrain
Example Sentence:
Individuals should enjoy the liberty to pursue their own preferences.
4. INSIDIOUS (ADJECTIVE): (हानिकारक) proceeding in a gradual, subtle way, but with very harmful effects
Synonyms: stealthy, subtle
Antonyms: fair, honest
Example Sentence:
Harassment is a serious and insidious problem.
5. MISGIVING (NOUN): (आशंका) a feeling of doubt or apprehension about the outcome or consequences of something.
Synonyms: qualm, scruple
Antonyms: assurance, certainity
Example Sentence:
We have misgivings about the way the campaign is being run.
6. PREDICATE (VERB): (स्थापित होना) base, found
Synonyms: build, ground
Antonyms: demolish, destroy
Example Sentence:
The promotion of an employee is predicated on his work.
7. DISCRETION (NOUN): (विवेक) the quality of behaving
Synonyms: choice, option
Antonyms: omission, indiscretion
Example Sentence:
She knew she could rely on his discretion.
8. BELLIGERENCE (NOUN): (भावनाओं) aggressive or warlike behaviour.
Synonyms: hostile, truculent
Antonyms: friendly, peaceable
Example Sentence:
Belligerent noises are now coming out of the United Nation.
9. COERCION (NOUN): (दबाव)practice of persuading someone to do something by using force or threats.
Synonyms: compulsion, insistence, demand
Antonyms: agreement, approval
Example Sentence:
He submitted the money under coercion.
10. TOTALITARIAN (ADJECTIVE) (सर्वाधिकारवादी): relating to a system of government that is centralized and dictatorial and requires complete subservience to the state.
Synonyms: autocratic, tyrrannical
Antonyms: democratic
Example Sentence:
The citizens were relieved to see the old totalitarian regime overthrown.
🕳️🕳️⛘🔻Wednesday,25 December 2019🔻🕳️🕳️⛘
●The Hindu Vocabulary For All Competitive Exams.
1. RUB (NOUN): (कठिनाई) the
central problem
Synonyms: problem, difficulty
Antonyms: blessings, solutions
Example Sentence:
Go and rub your hands dry.
refusal to change one's views or
to agree about something
Synonyms: rigidity, obduracy
Antonyms: flexibility, slavishness
Example Sentence:
Her intransigence on the issue was
simply frustrating.
(अनावश्यक रूप से) Without any
good reason or purpose
Synonyms: nothing, needlessly,
Antonyms: need fully, indispensably
Example Sentence:
He sentence was executed with
gratuitous harshness.
4. JUSTNESS (NOUN): (औचित्य)
The state of being just
Synonyms: justice, fairness
Antonyms: bias, subjectivity
Example Sentence:
His justness is not to be doubted.
(मोहित) Liking something a lot
Synonyms: infatuated, besotted
Antonyms: repulsed, disenchanted
Example Sentence:
He was less than enamoured of the
6. DEBASEMENT (NOUN): (अधोगति)
the action of reducing the quality
or value of something:
Synonyms: degradation,abasement
Antonyms: glorification, elevation
Example Sentence:
There will be no debasement of
7. BYSTANDER (NOUN): (दर्शक,
तामाशाई) a person who is present
at an event or incident but does
not take part.
Synonyms: observer, onlooker
Antonyms: participant, entrant
Example Sentence:
It looks like an innocent bystander
was killed instead of you.
8. PROSAIC (ADJECTIVE): (सामान्य,नीरस) Unusual
Synonyms: plain, humdrum
Antonyms: astonishing, remarkable
Example Sentence:
"Prosaic language can't convey the experience" .
intended for or likely to be
understood by only a small
number of people with a
specialized knowledge or interest.
Synonyms: abstruse, arcane
Antonyms: exoteric, familiar
Example Sentence:
This is an "esoteric philosophical
10. CONSTURE (VERB) (समझना)
interpret (a word or action) in a
particular way.
Synonyms: interpret, elucidate
Antonyms: obscure, confuse
Example Sentence:
His words could hardly be
construed as an apology.
🕳️🕳️⛘🔴Thurdday, 26 December 2019 🔴🕳️🕳️⛘
●The Hindu Vocabulary For All Competitive Exams.
1. CANDOR (NOUN): (निष्कपटता): complete honesty
Synonyms: directness, fairness
Antonyms: dishonesty, unfairness
Example Sentence:
Lisa has done her task with complete candor.
2. DEVIOUS (ADJECTIVE): (कपटपूर्ण): deceitful
Synonyms: duplicitous, insidious
Antonyms: honest, forthright
Example Sentence:
Rohit plays a devious character.
3. DISENTOMB (VERB): (अन्वेषण करना): disclose
Synonyms: resurrect, unearth
Antonyms: entomb, bury
Example Sentence:
They disentombed the matter.
4. DEFALCATION (NOUN): (कमज़ोरी): default
Synonyms: disaster, failure
Antonyms: accomplishment, achievement
Example Sentence:
Imran made defalcation in funds.
5. DEBILITY (NOUN) (दुर्बलता): decrepitude
Synonyms: enervation, enfeeblement
Antonyms: soundness, healthiness
Example Sentence:
Even though she beat cancer, she still dealt with debility from her battle.
6.CADAVEROUS (ADJECTIVE): pale:(पीला विवर्ण)
Synonyms: blanched, ashen
Antonyms: lively, lifelike
Example Sentence:
Her face looked so cadaverous.
7. DECADENT (ADJECTIVE): corrupt:(अनैतिक)
Synonyms: immoral, depraved
Antonyms: moral, noble
Example Sentence:
He is a decadent person.
8. CASTIGATION (NOUN): punishment:(दंड)
Synonyms: chastisement, retribution
Antonyms: pardon, forgiveness
Example Sentence:
I am not afraid of castigation
9.LICENTIOUS (ADJECTIVE): libertine (व्यभिचारी)
Synonyms: debauched, salacious
Antonyms: moral, controlled
Example Sentence:
Aviraj is licentious and has no regard for the morality of law.
10. SOCIABLE (ADJECTIVE): familiar (मिलनसार)
Synonyms: convivial, gregarious
Antonyms: aloof, unsociable
Example Sentence:
I’m a lot more sociable with everybody.
🕳️🕳️⛘🔰Friday,27 December 2019🔰🕳️🕳️⛘
●The Hindu Vocabulary For All Competitive Exams.
1.INTROSPECTION (NOUN): (आत्मनिरीक्षण) the examination or observation of one's own mental and emotional processes.
Synonyms: brooding, rumination
Antonyms: unthoughtful, extrospection
Example Sentence:
There is no time for a soldier to engage in introspection.
2.HOMAGE (NOUN): (श्रद्धांजलि) special honour or respect shown publicly.
Synonyms: admiration, glorify, panegyric
Antonyms: criticize, condemn
Example Sentence:
Many villagers come here to pay homage to the Virgin.
3.UNVEILING (VERB): (अनावरण करना) the removal of a veil or covering from a new monument.
Synonyms: betray, discover, uncover
Antonyms: hide, protect
Example Sentence:
PM Narendra Modi unveiling a statue of Atal Bihari Vajpayee in Lucknow on Wednesday.
4. VANDALISM (NOUN): (बर्बरता) damage to public or private property.
Synonyms: ruin, wrecking, sacking
Antonyms: benefit, advantage, obedience
Example Sentence:
"This is an act of mindless vandalism"
5. PREAMBLE (NOUN): (प्रस्तावना, भूमिका) a preliminary or preparatory statement; an introduction.
Synonyms: prologue, proem, prolusion
Antonyms: conclusion, epilogue
Example Sentence:
"He could tell that what she said was by way of a preamble".
6. INCEPTION (NOUN): (प्रारंभ) the establishment or starting point of an institution or activity.
Synonyms: provenience, wellspring, derivation
Antonyms: completion, consequences
Example Sentence:
She has been on the board since its inception two years ago.
7. PROMULGATE (VERB): (प्रख्यापित) promote or make widely known (an idea or cause).
Synonyms: broadcast, circulate, declare
Antonyms: repress, refrain
Example Sentence:
These objectives have to be promulgated within the organization.
8. MELLOW (VERB): (विनम्र) become mature or relax
Synonyms: soften, improve, molify
Antonyms: diminish, trouble, halt
Example Sentence:
Even a warm sun could not mellow the North Sea breeze.
9. MORATORIUM (NOUN): (रोक, प्रतिबन्ध) a legal authorization to debtors to postpone payment.
Synonyms: embargo, prohibition
Antonyms: renewal, resumption
Example Sentence:
The debt was to be subject to a five-year moratorium.
10. CONSTRUE (VERB): (समझना) interpret (a word or action) in a particular way.
Synonyms: decode, analyse
Antonyms: obscure, confuse
Example Sentence:
His words could hardly be construed as an apology.
🕳️🕳️⛘🔰Saturday ,28 December2019🔰🕳️🕳️⛘
●The Hindu Vocabulary For All Competitive Exams.
1. CULMINATION (NOUN): (परिणीती)
the highest or climactic point of
Synonyms: pinnacle, height, zenith
Example Sentence:
The deal marked the culmination of
years of negotiation.
2.CHURN (NOUN): (चुर्ण ) a large
metal container for milk.
Synonyms: seethe, stir up, simmer
Antonyms: frost, freeze
Example Sentence:
The fresh creamy milk sat in a churn
in the kitchen.
3.NUANCES (NOUN): (अतत सुक्ष्म
अंति) expression, or sound.
Synonyms: modulation, subtlety,
Antonyms: brightness, information
Example Sentence:
He was familiar with the nuances of
the local dialect.
(अव्यवस्थित) confused, not
arranged in order; untidy.
Synonyms: blurred, jumbled
Antonyms: systematic, ordered
Example Sentence:
He muddled display of pictures has
been taken down.
5. FOOTING (NOUN): (आधाि)
foundation, basis
Synonyms: underpinning, bottom
Antonyms: top, apex
Example Sentence:
She suddenly lost her footing.
6. GAUGE (VERB): (नापना) estimate
or determine the amount, level
Synonyms: measure, commute,
Antonyms: guess, estimate
Example Sentence:
Astronomers can gauge the star's
intrinsic brightness.
7. LACERATION (NOUN): (फाड़ना,
काटना) a deep cut or tear in skin
or flesh.
Synonyms: mutilation, injury
Antonyms: safe, closure
Example Sentence:
He suffered lacerations to his head
and face.
8. PROMPTING (NOUN): (उत्साह)
the action of saying something to
persuade, encourage, or remind
Synonyms: prodding, persuasion
Antonyms: dissuade, halt
Example Sentence:
After some prompting, the
defendant gave the police his
9. AMBIT (NOUN): (परिधध) the
scope, extent, or bounds of
Synonyms: scope, extent
Antonyms: minimum, interior
Example Sentence:
A full discussion of this complex
issue was beyond the ambit of one
10. UNDER GIRDING (VERB): (सुदृढ़)
secure or fasten from the
Synonyms: bolster, embed
Antonyms: undermine, refuse
Example Sentence:
A philosophy of service absorbed
during her childhood under girds all
her efforts.
🔰Saturday,29 December 2019🔰
●The Hindu Vocabulary For All Competitive Exams.
1. ENACTMENT (NOUN): (अधिनियम कानून)an instance of acting something out.
Synonyms: acting, performing, staging
Antonyms: repeal, revoke
Example Sentence:
He story becomes an enactment of his fantasies.
2. AEGIS (NOUN): (संरक्षण) the protection, backing, or support of a particular person or organization.
Synonyms: patronage, shelter
Antonyms: hindrance, humility
Example Sentence:
The negotiations were conducted under the aegis of the UN.
3.ENUMERATION (NOUN): (विस्तृत विवरण)the action of mentioning a number of things one by one.
Synonyms: calculate, compute, tally
Antonyms: estimate, conceal
Example Sentence:
The complete enumeration of all possible genetic states.
4. MUDDLED (ADJECTIVE): (अव्यवस्थित) confused, not arranged in order; untidy.
Synonyms: blurred, jumbled
Antonyms: systematic, ordered
Example Sentence:
He muddled display of pictures has been taken down.
5. STAGNATION (NOUN): (स्थिरता) lack of activity, growth, or development.
Synonyms: sluggishness, torpor, quiescence
Antonyms: boom, rise
Example Sentence:
"A period of economic stagnation"
6. CONUNDRUM (NOUN): (पहेली)a confusing and difficult problem or question.
Synonyms: problem, quandary
Antonyms: solution, confidence
Example Sentence:
One of the most difficult conundrums for the experts.
7. OWING (ADJECTIVE): (हेतु से) (of money) yet to be paid.
Synonyms: due, in debt
Antonyms: resolved, paid, settled
Example Sentence:
No rent was owing.
8. BIFURCATION (NOUN): (विभाजन) the division of something into two branches or parts.
Synonyms: ramification, division, sequel
Antonyms: union, whole, juncture
Example Sentence:
The point of bifurcation, at present about 25 m.
9. HUMONGOUS (ADJECTIVE): (विशालकाय) huge; enormous
Synonyms: immense, prodigious
Antonyms: small, tiny, insignificant
Example Sentence:
I'm sleepy because I ate a humongous lunch.
10. HOOKED (ADJECTIVE): (मुड़ा हुआ) curved like a hook
Synonyms: curved, falciform
Antonyms: straight, unbending, linear
Example Sentence:
A golden eagle with hooked beak.
🕳️🕳️⛘🔰Monday,30 December 2019🔰🕳️🕳️⛘
●The Hindu Vocabulary For All Competitive Exams.
1. REDOUBTABLE (ADJECTIVE): (बढाया हुआ, महापराक्रमी) (of a person) formidable, especially as an opponent.
Synonyms: formidable, fearsome
Antonyms: ordinary, average, mediocre
Example Sentence:
He was a redoubtable debater.
2.RESOUNDING (ADJECTIVE): (ज़बरदस्त) unmistakable; emphatic.
Synonyms: terrific, colossal
Antonyms: tiny, insignificant
Example Sentence:
The evening was a resounding success.
3. REAP (VERB): (परिश्रम का फल पाना) harvest the crop from (a piece of land).
Synonyms: obtain, get, gain
Antonyms: lose, fail,
Example Sentence:
Many men were employed to reap the harvest.
4. UNDERLINE (VERB): (रेखांकन, चित्र परिचय) draw a line under (a word or phrase) to give emphasis or indicate special type.
Synonyms: accentuate, underscore
Antonyms: ignore, understate
Example Sentence:
Certain phrases had been underlined.
5. GAMBIT (NOUN): (चाल) an act or remark that is calculated to gain an advantage, especially at the outset of a situation.
Synonyms: maneuver, ruse
Antonyms: honesty, frankness
Example Sentence:
His resignation was a tactical gambit.
6. RESENT (VERB): (अप्रसन्न होना) feel bitterness or indignation at (a circumstance, action, or person).
Synonyms: begrudge, dislike
Antonyms: be pleased by, welcome, like
Example Sentence:
She resented the fact that I had children.
7. MORIBUND (ADJECTIVE): (मरनेवाला, मरणासन्न) (of a person) at the point of death.
Synonyms: near the end, in extremis
Antonyms: flourishing, booming
Example Sentence:
On examination he was moribund and dehydrated.
8. RAMPANT (ADJECTIVE): (आक्रामक, अनियंत्रित) (especially of something unwelcome) flourishing or spreading unchecked.
Synonyms: uncontrolled, unrestrained
Antonyms: moderate, controlled
Example Sentence:
Rampant corruption brought about the downfall of the government.
9. EUPHORIA (NOUN): (ख़ुशी, आनंद) a feeling or state of intense excitement and happiness.
Synonyms: jubilation, rapture, delight
Antonyms: gloom, sadness
Example Sentence:
This one would not feel euphoria, only pain and terror.
10. HARDSHIP (NOUN): (तंगहाली) severe suffering or privation.
Synonyms: destitution, adversity
Antonyms: ease, comfort
Example Sentence:
We are suffering intolerable levels of hardship.
🕳️🕳️⛘🔰Tuesday,31 December 2019🔰🕳️🕳️⛘
●The Hindu Vocabulary For All Competitive Exams.
1. RIOT (NOUN): (दंगा) (of a person) a violent disturbance of the peace by a crowd.
Synonyms: rampage, tumult, upheaval
Antonyms: peace, quiescence
Example Sentence:
Riots broke out in the capital.
2.WRECKED (ADJECTIVE): (बर्बाद) very drunk
Synonyms: demolish, crash
Antonyms: rebuilt, repair
Example Sentence:
They got wrecked on tequila.
3. AUTONOMY (NOUN): (स्वराज्य) the right or condition of self-government. the right or condition of self-government.
Synonyms: freedom, sovereignity
Antonyms: dependence, credence
Example Sentence:
They will require autonomy at later stages.
4. HUMANE (ADJECTIVE): (मानवता) having or showing compassion or benevolence.
Synonyms: compassionate, considerate
Antonyms: inhumane, barbarous, cruel
Example Sentence:
Regulations ensuring the humane treatment of animals.
5. HALCYON DAYS (NOUN): (आनंदमय दिन) denoting a period of time in the past that was idyllically happy and peaceful.
Synonyms: zenith, acme, heyday
Antonyms: nadir, low point
Example Sentence:
The halcyon days of the mid 1980s, when profits were soaring.
6. HAUL (VERB): (घसीटा) (of a person) pull or drag with effort or force.
Synonyms: drag, pull, hump
Antonyms: propel, push
Example Sentence:
He hauled his bike out of the shed.
7. FRITTER (VERB): (व्यर्थ नष्ट करना) waste time, money, or energy on trifling matters
Synonyms: squander, misuse
Antonyms: save, spend wisely
Example Sentence:
I wish we hadn't frittered the money away so easily.
8. DISMAY (VERB): (बेचैनी) cause (someone) to feel concern and distress.
Synonyms: alarm, shocked
Antonyms: pleasure, relief
Example Sentence:
They were dismayed by the U-turn in policy.
9.NAGGING (VERB): (फटकार) harass (someone) constantly to do something that they are averse to.
Synonyms: harass, badger
Antonyms: aid, delight
Example Sentence:
She constantly nags her daughter about getting married.
10. HARDSHIP (NOUN): (तंगहाली) severe suffering or privation.
Synonyms: destitution, adversity
Antonyms: ease, comfort
Example Sentence:
We are suffering intolerable levels of hardship.
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