The Hindu Vocabulary For all Competitive Exams.(11 Jan to 17 Jan 2020)
🕳️🕳️⛘🔰Saturday,11 January 2020🔰🕳️🕳️⛘
●The Hindu Vocabulary For All Competitive Exams.
1.BEWILDERED(ADJECTIVE): (बेसुध) perplexed and confused; very puzzled.
Synonyms: baffled, confused
Antonyms: clear, aware,oriented
Example Sentence:
He saw the bewildered look on my face.
2. CLIFF (NOUN): (चट्टान) a steep
rock face, especially at the edge of the sea.
Synonyms: precipice, crag
Antonyms: bottom, nadir
Example Sentence:
A coast path along the top of rugged cliffs.
3. LEASE (VERB): (पट्टा लेना) grant (property) on lease; let.
Synonyms: hire, sublet
Antonyms: sell, vend
Example Sentence:
She leased the site to a local
4. ACQUISITION (NOUN): (प्राप्ति) an asset or object bought or obtained, typically by a library or museum.
Synonyms: purchase, addition,
Antonyms: loss, failure, dearth
Example Sentence:
The legacy will be used for new
5. PAROCHIALISM(NOUN)(संकीर्णता) a limited or narrow outlook, especially focused on a local area; narrow-mindedness.
Synonyms: localism, insularity
Antonyms: standard, silence
Example Sentence:
We have been guilty of
parochialism, of resistance to
6. ARMOR (VERB): (कवच) provide (someone) with emotional, social,or other defences.
Synonyms: defense, mail
Antonyms: destruction, harm
Example Sentence:
The knowledge armored him against her.
7.LANGUISH(VERB):deteriorate (कमजोर होना)
Synonyms: dwindle, faint
Antonyms: develop, grow
Example Sentence:
If I don’t bother him, my cat will
languish on the windowsill all day long.
8. PLAGIARISM (NOUN)(सहित्यिक चोरी )the practice of taking someone else's work
Synonyms: falsification,
Antonyms: return, originality
Example Sentence:
There were accusations of
9. EXTRADITE (VERB): abandon
(प्रत्यपित करना)
Synonyms: apprehend, arrest
Antonyms: hold, keep
Example Sentence:
Until the country receives proof of Mark’s guilt, they refuse to
extradite him to local authorities.
10 FOMENT (VERB): instigate(भड़काना)
Synonyms: abet, arouse
Antonyms: finish, tranquilize
Example Sentence:
He fomented the innocent people.
🕳️🕳️⛘🔰Sunday,12 January 2020🔰🕳️🕳️⛘
●The Hindu Vocabulary For All Competitive Exams
in a fluent and persuasive
Synonyms: affecting, ardent
Antonyms: apathetic, dull, calm
Example Sentence:
She argued her point eloquently and
2. RETICENT (ADJECTIVE): (मौन रहने वाला ) not revealing one’s
Synonyms: bashful, restrained
Antonyms: confident, extroverted
Example Sentence:
Most of the students were reticent
about answering questions.
3. ENUNCIATE (VERB): (प्रस्तुत करना) speak clearly
Synonyms: affirm, utter
Antonyms: conceal, repress
Example Sentence:
Her speech is not clear, she does’nt
enunciate very clearly.
4. EXIGENCY (NOUN): (जरुरत) in
urgent need or demand
Synonyms: contingency, dilemma
Antonyms: advantage, boon
Example Sentence:
Economic exigency obliged the
government to act.
nnoy someone
Synonyms: invasive, nosy
Antonyms: ignore, neglect
Example Sentence:
The media asked a lot of intrusive
questions to the film star.
6. UNDERGIRDS (VERB): (सहारा
देना) to support something by
forming a strong base for it.
Synonyms: bolster, reinforce
Antonyms: undermine weaken
Example Sentence:
The knowledge armored him against
7. ERADICATE (VERB): (उन्मूलन) destroy completely;
Synonyms: abolish, annihilate
Antonyms: create, build
Example Sentence:
The disease that once claimed
millions of lives have now been
8.PREVALENT(ADJECTIVE):(प्रचलित)widespread in a particular area.
Synonyms: common, everyday
Antonyms: abnormal, different
Example Sentence:
The social ills prevalent in society
9. AMBIT (NOUN): (सीमा) the
scope, extent
Synonyms: boundary, extension
Antonyms: centre, inside
Example Sentence:
A full discussion of this complex
issue was beyond the ambit of one
10. UNANIMOUS(ADJECTIVE): (एकमत) in agreement, uncontested
Synonyms: consistent, solid
Antonyms: divided, split
Example Sentence:
The doctors were unanimous in their diagnoses.
🕳️🕳️⛘🔰Monday,13 January 2020🔰🕳️🕳️⛘
●The Hindu Vocabulary For All Competitive Exams.
1. HOBNOB (VERB):(मित्रता करना ) mix socially, especially with those of perceived higher social status.
Synonyms: socialize, associate with
Antonyms: live alone, disassociate
Example Sentence:
Now a days he is hobnobbing with avant-garde musicians.
2. STASH (NOUN): (छिपाने की जगह ) store (something) safely in a hidden or secret place.
Synonyms: cache, inventory
Antonyms: debt, lack
Example Sentence:
He got down to brass tacks in keeping the stash fulfilled.
3. ENTWINE (VERB): (गुथना) wind or twist together; interweave.
Synonyms: coil, entangle
Antonyms: unwind, untwist
Example Sentence:
The twins lay entwined in each other's arms.
4. REVELRY (NOUN): (मद्यपान का उत्सव) merrymaking, lively and noisy festivities,
Synonyms: festivity, celebration
Antonyms: mourning, sadness
Example Sentence:
I called the police when my neighbours refused to settle down and end their revelry.
5. CLANNISH (ADJECTIVE): (खानदानी ) (of a group or their activities) tending to exclude others outside the group.
Synonyms: selected, reserved
Antonyms: welcoming, open
Example Sentence:
Celebrities believe in wearing clannish dresses.
6. RHETORIC (NOUN): ( वक्रपतुता ) an art of effective speech
Synonyms: hyperbole, oratory
Antonyms: quiet, conciseness
Example Sentence:
Our Principal is rhetoric, and of late he has toned it down.
7. DISCONCERTINGLY (ADVERB): (चिंताजनक ) shake up, confuse
Synonyms: agitate, embarrass
Antonyms: assist, soothe, encourage
Example Sentence:
He had a disconcerting habit of offering jobs to people he met at dinner parties.
8. BELIE (VERB): (झुठलाना) fails to give a true impression of something, contradict
Synonyms: contradict, negate
Antonyms: approve, endorse
Example Sentence:
The quality of the music seems to belie the criticism.
9. ORDAINED (VERB): (ठहराया) make someone a priest or minister
Synonyms: appointed, determined, ordered
Antonyms: elected,
Example Sentence:
Equal punishment was ordained for the two crimes.
10. MAYHEM (NOUN): (हाथापाई) violent and extreme order
Synonyms: chaos, disorder, havoc
Antonyms: calm, peace, harmony
Example Sentence:
With 20 kids around, and only me to supervise, it was a complete mayhem.
🕳️🕳️⛘🔰Tuesday,14 January 2020🔰🕳️🕳️⛘
●The Hindu Vocabulary For All Competitive Exams.
1.ABDICATE (VERB): (त्यागना) fail to fulfill or undertake (a responsibility or duty).
Synonyms: disown, spurn, renounce
Antonyms: keep, assume, hold
Example Sentence:
She abdicated all responsibility
for the project.
2.VEERED(VERB): (मुड गई) suddenly change an opinion, subject,type of behavior, etc.
Synonyms: bend, shift
Antonyms: stay, straighten
Example Sentence:
If we do not veer we will be upon the rocks within the hour.
3.PROTOCOLS(NOUN):(अदिलेख) official procedure or systems of rules governing affairs.
Antonyms: rudeness,crudeness
Example Sentence:
According to the protocol the
new ambassador will present his credentials to the President.
4.STAMPEDE(NOUN): (भगदड़) sudden panicked rush of a number of horses, cattle, or other animals.
Synonyms: charge, panic
Antonyms: retreat, standing
Example Sentence:
Among the strikers there was a
break that swiftly spread and
became a stampede.
5. COGNIZABLE (ADJECTIVE): (संज्ञेय) perceptible; clearly identifiable.
Synonyms: visible, palpable
Antonyms: hidden, vague
Example Sentence:
His was a cognizable offence.
के विपरीत) in an opposite way.
Synonyms: reversed, contrary
Antonyms: similar, alike, same
Example Sentence:
Conversely youth is depicted as a time of vitality and good health.
7.OMINOUS(ADJECTIVE):(अमंग ल) impression that something
bad is going to happen.
Antonyms: bright, happy, lucky
Example Sentence:
It seemed an extraordinary thing, an ominous object, a sign.
8. WRIT (NOUN): (आज्ञापत्र) a form of written command in the name of a court or other legal authority to act.
Synonyms: summons, warrant,
Antonyms: exoneration, praise
Example Sentence:
The two reinstated officers issued a writ for libel against the applicants.
9.CYNICAL(ADJECTIVE): (निंदक) believing that people are
motivated purely by self-interest;
Synonyms: derisive, mocking
Antonyms: believing, hopeful
Example Sentence:
He was brutally cynical and
hardened to every sob story under the sun.
10.SCOURGE(NOUN): (विपति) person or thing that causes great trouble or suffering.
Synonyms: afflict, plague
Antonyms: reward, advantage, delight
Example Sentence:
Political methods used to scourge
and oppress workers.
🕳️🕳️⛘🔰Wednesday,15 January 2020🔰🕳️🕳️⛘
●The Hindu Vocabulary For All Competitive Exams.
1.COMBATIVENESS(NOUN): (लड़Iकुपन) eagerness to fight or argue.
Synonyms: bellicosity, militancy
Antonyms: friendliness
Example Sentence:
He is known for his combativeness and short temper.
2.EXTRAPOLATE (VERB): (बहिर्वेशन करना) guess or think of what is going to happen using information.
Synonyms: calculation,estimate
Antonyms: depression, distress
Example Sentence:
You cannot really extrapolate a
trend from such a small sample.
3.PERSECUTION(NOUN): (उत्पीडन) hostile, ill treatment
Synonyms: expulsion, killing
Antonyms: happiness, help
Example Sentence:
They left the country out of fear
of persecution.
4. REITERATING (VERB): (बार बार करना) repeat, say something
again and again.
Synonyms: renew, repeat, restate
Antonyms: take back
Example Sentence:
She reiterated that she had never seen him before.
5. DISPARAGE (VERB): (उपेक्षा
करना) criticize in a way that
shows no respect.
Synonyms: decry, scorn, derogate
Antonyms: admire, exalt, approve
Example Sentence:
He spoke disparagingly of his
political opponent.
देना) make more noticeable or
Synonyms: emphasize,highlight
Antonyms: camouflage, obscure,mask
Example Sentence:
The new policy only serves to
accentuate the inadequacy of
help for the homeless.
7.INTENT(NOUN/ADJECTIVE): (इरादा) intention or purpose,
determined to so something.
Synonyms: decided, deep
Antonyms: flexible, indefinite
Example Sentence:
The government was intent on
achieving greater efficiency.
8. MARRED (VERB): (क्षति) spoil,
ruin, the quality or appearance.
Synonyms: blight, bruise
Antonyms: create, beautify
Example Sentence:
Violence marred a number of
New Year Celebrations.
9.LEVERAGED(VERB): (उत्तोलन) action or advantage of using a lever
Synonyms: derisive, mocking
Antonyms: believing, hopeful
Example Sentence:
Using ropes and wooden poles for
leverage, they hauls sacks of
10. STRUNG (VERB): (सख्त) hang
(something) so that it stretches in a
long line.
Synonyms: accommodate, adapt
Antonyms: break, destroy
Example Sentence:
He collected stones with holes in them
and strung them on a strong cord.
🔰 Thursday,16 January 2020🔰
●The Hindu Vocabulary For All Competitive Exams.
1. THICKET (NOUN): (झाड़ी) a
dense group of bushes or tree.
Synonyms: grove, tangle
Antonyms: open place, prairie
Example Sentence:
A thicket is often dominated by a few species.
2. MUTILATION (NOUN): (विकृति)dismembering, damage
Synonyms: amputate, distort
Antonyms: beautify, decorate
Example Sentence:
Her body had been mutilated
beyond recognization.
3.PRUDENT(ADJECTIVE): (विवेकी)acting with or showing care and thought for the future.
Synonyms: careful, cautious
Antonyms: hasty, fool, imprudent
Example Sentence:
No prudent money manager would authorize a loan without first knowing its purpose.
4. EMANATE (VERB): (मुददा) to
express in a way that you look
and behave
Synonyms: arise, exude
Antonyms: conceal, hold, keep
Example Sentence:
He emanated a powerful brooding air.
5. DISSENTING (ADJECTIVE): (अस हमति) strong difference in opinion.
Synonyms: disagree, decline
Antonyms: accept, approve
Example Sentence:
There were a couple of dissenting voices.
6. SAGGING (ADJECTIVE): (कमज़ोर होना) become weaker
Synonyms: slump, bulge
Antonyms: ascend, rise
Example Sentence:
A comprehensive overhaul meant to revive sagging sales.
7. ELEVATED (ADJECTIVE):(ऊपर उठाया) situated or placed higher.
Synonyms: inflated, exalted
Antonyms: depressed, dropped
Example Sentence:
This hotel has an elevated position above the village.
8. QUEER (VERB): (विचित्र) spoil or ruin the situation.
Synonyms: blight, bruise
Antonyms: create, beautify
Example Sentence:
Reg didn't want someone meddling and queering the deal at the last minute.
9.DELIBERATIONS(NOUN): (विवेचना) long and careful consideration or discussion.
Antonyms: ignorance, inattention
Example Sentence:
After much deliberation we arrived at a compromise.
10.DECREPIT(ADJECTIVE): (पुराना) worn out or ruined because of age or neglect.
Synonyms: battered,ramshackle
Antonyms: firm, good, healthy
Example Sentence:
But now the world is decrepit, and all good things are gone.
🕳️🕳️⛘🔰 Friday,17 January 2020🔰🕳️🕳️⛘
●The Hindu Vocabulary For All Competitive Exams.
1. SPANNED (VERB): (पुल बांधना) extend from side to side
Synonyms: connect, extend
Antonyms: unlink, condense
Example Sentence:
The stream was spanned by a narrow bridge.
2.ENCAPSULATED (VERB): (समझाया) express essential features of something, summarize
Synonyms: box, cover
Antonyms: free, let go
Example Sentence:
It is difficult to encapsulate the story of the revolution in a single hour.
3. TENET (VERB): (सिद्धांत) one of the principles on which a belief or theory is based.
Synonyms: belief, principle
Antonyms: doubt, skepticism
Example Sentence:
A major tenet of the women’s movement is that society needs their talents.
4. TANTAMOUNT (ADJECTIVE): (समान) equivalent in seriousness to, as good as
Synonyms: arise, exude
Antonyms: conceal, hold, keep
Example Sentence:
His refusal to answer was tantamount to the admission of guilt.
5. VERBOSE (ADJECTIVE): (शब्दबहुल) expressed in more words than needed, garrulous.
Synonyms: bombastic, diffuse
Antonyms: concise, succinct
Example Sentence:
Shashi Tharoor’s writings are often difficult and verbose.
6. EBB (NOUN/VERB): (भाटा) movement of tide out of sea, going out, flowing back
Synonyms: abatement, drop
Antonyms: advance, development
Example Sentence:
My enthusiasm was ebbing away after constant failures.
7. RESUSCITATE (VERB): (पुनर्जीवित) bring back to life.
Synonyms: energize, resurrect
Antonyms: destroy, bore
Example Sentence:
Various measures are being taken to resuscitate our ailing economy.
8. STRADDLES (VERB/NOUN): (पैर फैलाकर बैठना) sit or stand with one leg on either side.
Synonyms: mount, ride
Antonyms: drop, lower
Example Sentence:
Our farm straddles the railway line.
9. INTERPLAY (NOUN): (परस्पर) The way in which two or more things have an effect on each other.
Synonyms: mesh, exchange
Antonyms: stag, torpidity
Example Sentence:
This interplay is especially the case between touch and sight.
10. PALPABLE (ADJECTIVE): (स्पष्ट) so obvious that it can be easily seen or known.
Synonyms: apparent, credible
Antonyms: ambiguous, obscure
Example Sentence:
The tension in the room was palpable during the exam.
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